Name: Madeline Quiñones
Bullpup moniker: Maddie
Who is your favorite Watson and why? David Burke! The moment I first saw him in Granada’s “A Scandal in Bohemia” was pure magic: he WAS the Watson in my head. I had already been reading through the canon and I had a mental image of the good doctor and then David steps on screen and I’m just like, “Oh my gosh, that’s WATSON.” I would be remiss, though, if I didn’t mention my other favorite Watsons: Michael Williams, Howard Marion Crawford, and Edward Hardwicke, who are all magical in their own way!
If Watson was writing a story about you, what would it be titled? “The Problem of the Beleaguered Sister”!
Give us an improbable fact about yourself! I am the oldest of seven and 20 years older than my baby sister. No, really! She was a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one! The funny thing is that I was getting into Sherlock Holmes right when she was born, so I have a lot of memories of reading the canon for the first time on my Palm Pilot (oh my gosh, remember THOSE??) while holding my sleeping newborn sister. Good times. …She’s ten now and I don’t know what to do about that.(If I’m allowed to self-promote, I also run a weekly comic called The Adventures of Professor Moriarty at https://theadventuresofprofessormoriarty.tumblr.com/. It’s VERY Watsonian because half the time Colonel Moran is trying to bully Professor Moriarty into a better life and if that isn’t Watsonian I don’t know what is. 😀 )
Why did you join the JHWS? Well, I was already thinking about it because of binging the Watsonian Weekly! I’d attended the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium in its virtual setting and I had been feeling an ache ever since to just… fellowship, really, with other fans. The breakout room time I spent there was just some of the most fun I’d ever had. So a couple of months later, in December, I took to Twitter and asked my Sherlockian mutuals how to get into SH societies because I just had no idea. Several lovely people were very willing to help me out and it was suggested I could join the JHWS. And I’m so glad I did! I’ve been having a lot of fun so far. <3
Thanks so much, Madeline! We love all of our wonderful Watsonians and want to feature each and every one of them. Just answer the questions above (and send a picture if convenient) and send your replies to buttons@johnhwatsonsociety.com.