The Society welcomes Thomas J. Walker to Charter Membership. Captain Walker, formerly of the New York Police Department, was the Executive officer of the 41st Precinct known as Fort Apache in the 1970s. He wrote the book of the same name, later made into a movie. He traces his roots in the NYC Police Department back to the Civil War.His background includes assignments as a physicist in the police laboratory, teaching criminal law at the Police Academy, command of Precinct Detective Squads, Executive Officer of three precincts, and Operations Officer of the Bronx where he coordinated police and detective functions at major disasters and riots.
He appeared on the TV show, “The $128,000 Question,” as an expert on Sherlock Holmes and won $32,000. He is a member of the Society of Professional Investigators, and he is a director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Mr Walker is married to Mary Faherty. They have five children and reside in the Bronx.
Please join in extending the Society’s welcome to this most Detective of all of our members:
“You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.”