Weekly Quiz 46: A Stumper

Weekly Quiz 46

RESULTS:  First in with the correct answer is Patricia Villicrusis “Helena” with a correct answer for the Honours.  Second in was Team SOB, Margie Deck “Gwen” and Sheila Holtgrieve “Daisy” also with a correct solution.  Denny Dobry “Kirby” was third in with another corrrect solution.

The solution was found in VALL, Jean Babtiste Greuze, the French painter, one of whose paintings was owned by Moriarty according to Holmes.  He was buried with immortelles (daisies) on his coffin.  The alternative answer, also correct, was Napoleon who also was buried with immortelles on his coffin and who was referenced when Holmes called Moriarty “The Napoleon of Crime.”

Congratulations on a particularly obscure quiz question.

This week, we give you a stumper:

On this person’s coffin were laid immortelles. Culturally, references to this individual appear in the works of numerous mystery writers and, specifically, in the Canon, where Holmes makes this person’s connection to Moriarty.

Please submit solutions by noon, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 to