Treasure Hunt Resources

The Annual John H Watson Canonical Treasure Hunt

Recommended Resources List

Most of the Treasure Hunt answers will be no more than 2-10 words — typically names of persons, places or things.  However, the questions are not easy and many may require significant research.

Access to a combination of the following resources is recommended to participants:

  1. An edition of the complete Sherlock Holmes Canon
    While the 1930 Doubleday, single-volume, preface by Christopher Morley, edition of The Complete Sherlock Holmes is the favorite at The John H Watson Society, any full edition will suffice.  An electronic version of the Canon with the indication of the page numbers of the Doubleday edition can be found at “Camden House – The Complete Sherlock Holmes” website:
  2. An electronic/searchable edition of the Canon, such as the free-use “The Complete Sherlock Holmes”at
  3. An annotated edition of the Canon, such as:
  4. A major Canonical index, such as:
  5. An edition of the Apocryphal tales, such as Sherlock Holmes: The Published Apocrypha, selected and edited by Jack Tracy
  6. A good Dictionary, such as Oxford Living Dictionaries or Merriam-Webster
  7. An Internet search engine, such as Google or Bing,  and a good online encyclopedia (Wikipedia is recommended)
  8. Various classic writings and books about the Canon
    No definitive list as every Holmes enthusiast has his/her favorites

5 Replies to “Treasure Hunt Resources”

  1. Would like to enter as a single participate. How do I do that and how do I submit the answers when completed.

    1. I think I would like to enter as a single participate. How do I do that, and where precisely do I download the 2022 quiz and submit the answers when completed? Thanks.

  2. I lost my copy of the latest warm quiz that came out. Can you send to me again? Ron aka Chips

  3. Note: Question 29. There is only one correct answer-only one president is mentioned in the Canon.

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