A Quote by Mr Starrett

To All:

A quote you may enjoy. The location is given as number 256 In Ronald De Waal’s massive work, The World Bibliography  of Sherlock Holmes, 1974 edition. The quote is attributed to Vincent Starrett who is addressing the unpublished adventures. As I do not have the Starrett work in my meager collection I would  be grateful to anyone who would kind enough to look it up and let me know the details of the listing.

“Fragments of mystery exist completely in memory or anticipation like tales read long ago and years forgotten– their outlines blur and waver just beyond the edge of thought. It is part of Watson’s magic that some of those lost adventures, never set down in print, seem to inhabit the chambers of the mind as memorably as those 60 others that made up the saga.”

I freely admit the emphasis on the Watson’s Magic is my mine own editing.



OK, Here’s the Answer:

The Sonnet came from a pamphlet titled A Lauriston Garden Of Verses, six Sherlockian sonnets and a ballad by Helene Yuhasova and published by the Pamphlet House, Summit, New Jersey; 1946. Helene Yuhasova is a pen name for the great Sherlockian scholar, Vincent Starrett.Thanks to Ron Lies, “Chips” for this delightful remembrance of the legendary Mr Starrett.

An addendum from commenter Marci in April 2015: Helene Yuhasova is the pen name of my Auntie Helene, who is the author, not Vincent Starrett.