What hath the second meeting of the John H Watson Society brought to the podcast party? Why so many birds? Bad podcast organization, a good diary entry, and a mysterious movie that only one person is known to have seen? And we had to stop at a half hour for this one, because our Watsonian cup is overflowing!
Regular Features:
- Watson of the Week: A movie mystery!
- Afootnotes with Robert Perret (JHWS “Sampson”)
- What’s Watson On About? with Paul Thomas Miller (JHWS “Buck”) (Twice!)
- Watson’s Word(s) of the Week with Margie Deck (JHWS “Mopsy”)
Discussed in this Episode:
The Original Sherlock Holmes and his Baker Street Irregulars game Kickstarter
Aliens in the Prime of their Lives by Brad Watson
The SOBs (Sound of the Baskervilles)
A Novel Journal: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium – October 10, 2020
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story by Michael Didbin
L’ultime défi de Sherlock Holmes comic book adaptation by Jules Stromboni and Olivier Cotte