On September 26th…

September 26, 1900: A warning letter from Beryl Stapleton to Sir Henry Baskerville arrived. (HOUN)

Sir Henry’s boot was missing. (HOUN)

John Clayton, the cab driver who drove Jack Stapleton, called at 221B St. (HOUN)

September 26, 1902: The Morning Post announced the de Merville-Gruner marriage would not take place. (ILLU)

September 26, 1879: At 2 AM, Reginald Musgrave found Brunton reading the family ritual. (MUSG)

On May 5th…

May 5th 1900: Sir Charles Baskerville died. (HOUN) Dr. Mortimer comments in answer to Holmes’s questions is probably the most remembered actually said phrase in the tales.
May 5th 1902: John Mason found a mummy that was dug up from the crypt. (SHOS)

The Inspiration to Keep Going

To All (from on the road):

I always carry a copy of the Canon with me while on a trip. I am researching statements about our beloved Doctor for a future purpose.  I have a few now, however, that I would like to share with you:

“I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the convention and humdrum routine of everyday life. You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm with which you have chronicled it, and if you excuse me saying so, somewhat to embellish my own little adventures.” (REDH)

Coming from a less than perfect situation, words like the ones above and so many other words and tales gave me fuel to keep going.

“I am bound to say in all the accounts you have been so good as to give of my own small achievements, you have habitually underrated you own abilities. It may be that you yourself are not luminous, but you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.” (HOUN)

Oh! To be able to fit the above description of our Doctor.


aka Ron from Denver

Weekly Quiz 2014: 13

RESULTS: 4 April 2014

Four members submitted excellent analyses of the question about the ornithological “either/or” riddle.  Usually this is thought to be Dr Watson’s sighting of either a gull or a curlew in HOUN. Our member team of Margie Deck and Sheila Holtgrieve, “Gwen” and “Daisy” from Seattle, were first to submit with brilliant and very thorough textual, scientific and scholarship reviews favouring the gull.

Second in was Denny Dobry “Kirby” who submitted an equally adroit analysis offering evidence for either a city bred or a country bred goose in BLUE. This was a new theory in the extant scholarship and very clever; it hinges on the validity of the actual existence of a “crop” in a goose. Town geese, not having crops, were posited to have undergone an evolutionary change over time, thereby producing a crop due to London’s pollution.

And our third submission was from fellow member, Michele Lopez “Reggie”  president of Italy’s Uno Studio in Holmes, who offered his precise analysis of the gull/curlew hypothesis, also favouring the gull.

All were well-done and well-supported by both Canonical, scientific and scholarly evidence. Each cited the specific BSJ articles of prior years that explored the issues of birds in the Canon.

There will be a modest article in the forthcoming issue of The Watsonian at the end of this month discussing aspects of this question. Those interested are invited to read more on the topic in the journal.

This week’s quiz was a question requiring research, both Canonical and scientific.

Please download the quiz question below.
Download the Week 13 Question.