There has been a bit of virtual remodeling here at the Consulting Rooms. A few things have been moved around, so feel free to click here and there and get comfortable.
We hope you won’t notice any problems, but if you come across broken links (or any other site issues), please let Selena know.
Many thanks to Selena for her hard work on this. The website looks much more inviting and user-friendly and should advance the activities of the JHWS….
And the prize for the first person to find a problem goes to Reggie (Michele Lopez), who caught a comment that missed getting transferred and discovered that the “Your comment is being held for moderation” message did not display properly. Thanks, Reggie!
Lovely update to the website, Selena! Great work! 🙂
Thank you, Selena, and again congratulations for the excellent work. Easier to find everything now. The website is now much tidier, I suspect, than the rooms in Baker Street…