Sherlock Holmes: Repeat Business

(The Society presents reviews and recommendations on books by its members on these pages. We hope you will enjoy hearing of new books furthering our Sherlockian, Holmesian and Watsonian interests.

Members who wish to have their books featured are asked to email cover photos, book descriptions and reviews to me. You may also contact me if you wish to share your thoughts on a book to inspire dialogue. On this occasion JHWS member “Chips” invited his friend Larry Feldman, “Staff Surgeon of Doctor Watson’s Neglected Patients,” to share his thoughts on a book he recently read: )

Today I concluded reading “Sherlock Holmes: Repeat Business” by Lyn McConchie. The idea here is that it is a collection of new Sherlock Holmes cases, each initiated by someone Holmes served in the Canon.

I was a little exasperated with the first story. Ms. McConchie had a story related to, and having everything to do, with Jabez Wilson, but Wilson himself doesn’t appear in the story! Holmes is hired here by Jabez Wilson’s new wife, who is concerned when her husband is accused of murdering her first husband. How can this author write a story concerning one of the most humorous and memorable Canonical characters, and yet not actually depict him? Where’s the fun in that?

The author somewhat redeems herself in later stories, depicting the likes of James Windibank, who is again trying to take financial advantage of his step-daughter, Mary Sutherland, the banker Alexander Holder of the Beryl Coronet adventure, Grant Munroe, where we get to check in on Effie and her mixed race daughter of “The Yellow Face”, Watson’s old school friend Tadpole Phelps, who has again ran afoul of his brother-in-law, etc. She does use the unique info about these characters as plot points in the stories, which is much to the better. Two obvious examples are a vanished student from the school where Violet Hunter is now Headmistress, and the use of acting ability of Neville St Clair, whose depiction of a London beggar was the central piece in his original Canonical appearance.

While the author’s depictions of these characters are not particularly memorable, Ms. McConchie does demonstrate two important strengths. First, she is obviously an accomplished mystery writer, and her puzzles and problems constructed for these stories are professional and satisfying.. Even more surprising and pleasing is that she is very good at depicting the friendship and interaction between Holmes and Watson, who clearly know each other’s habits and idiosyncrasies as well as we Sherlockians like to think we do. So, despite the use of all these memorable and familiar Canonical characters, it is the Holmes/Watson depiction that is the outstanding feature of this work, and, in itself makes these stories worth reading.

At a time when much of what is called “pastiche” work has the quality of self-published fan fiction, finding yourself in the hands of a professional quality mystery writer and Sherlock Holmes fan is certainly worth noting.

On June 7th…

June 7, 1889: Arthur Pinner offered Hall Pycroft a position with the Franco-Midland Hardware. (STOC)
June 7, 1900: Beppo destroyed the first bust of Napoleon. (SIXN)

On June 6th…

June 6, 1889: Hall Pycroft receives a letter offering him a berth with Mawson and Williams. (STOC)
June 6, 1900: Six busts of Napoleon were sold between Morse Hudson and the Harding Brothers. (SIXN)

Interview Series: JHWS “Cocoa”

One disadvantage of being an on-line gathering is that we rarely get the opportunity to learn more about each other as we would tend to do as part of a Scion Society that often meets in real life. I feel that I may not be the only one who is curious to learn more about our fellow Watsonians…

So, I reached out to a fellow JHWS member who kindly agreed to an interview. As a result, she allowed me to learn more about her and her Sherlockian interests. This was a very fun experience for me, so I’m honored to share my interview with Judith Freeman, “Cocoa” of the John H Watson Society.

To start off, Cocoa, I’d love to know about how you first encountered Dr. Watson’s writings.

I have been reading mystery/detective fiction since early adolescence but somehow didn’t meet Holmes & Watson until about 35 years ago. A friend and I were organizing The Maltese Falcon Society here in NY and he introduced me to members of The Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes. I went to my first luncheon and was so impressed with the witty, intelligent women I had met there that I went out purchased a copy of the Doubleday Canon forthwith.

What is it about the cases of Sherlock Holmes that appeals to you as a reader?

At first it was the charm of moving back in time to the foggy streets of Victorian London. But over time, as I re-read the stories, I was attracted to the relationship between the Holmes & Watson.

Aside from the John H Watson Society, what are some other Sherlockian groups and activities that you enjoy?

Where to begin? I’ve been a member of ASH since the early 1980’s. The NYC area has five active scions and I’ve been to meetings of all of them. Over the years I’ve also attended special events like Autumn in Baker Street and the Scintillation of Scions, as well as gatherings in Chicago, Toronto, etc. I even attended the last of legendary John Bennett Shaw’s workshops. In addition to the Watsonian I’ve been published in the Muse, the BSJ and other journals.

Currently I’ve cut back my level of activity to being the current discussion leader of the on-line group WelcomeHolmes and I am the Headmistress of The Priory Scholars of NYC.

How did it come about that you became Headmistress of the Priory Scholars of NYC?

You could say I inherited the position. I had been working with the late Joe Moran for several years. He was the head of scion and I took care of the administrative stuff. Due to personal issues Joe was unable to continue as Headmaster and, in 2006, the scion went on hiatus. When I retired I decided to rehabilitate Priory and in 2012 we began to meet again.

If you’re interested in the history of The Priory Scholars of NYC, please check out our web page:

What activities does your position of Headmistress entail?

They’re still mostly administrative; including scheduling, emailing the announcements, following up on communications, selecting subjects for the homework assignments, coordinating with the other members of the faculty in selecting the story for discussion, etc. In other words doing whatever needs doing.

I’ve recruited several of the younger local Sherlockians to participate in running the scion. We currently have a “faculty” that consists of a discussion leader (Nick Matorelli, member of JHWS), a Bursar (Chris Zordan also member of JHWS), a Web Mistress and a Quiz Master. I even created a manual, “How to Start and Run a Sherlockian Group” to help them.

At my local scion society, the Sound of the Baskervilles in Seattle, Washington, we open every meeting with a toast to Murray and finish every meeting with a recitation of “221B” by Vincent Starrett. This is our most constant tradition. So, in your case, Cocoa, have you noticed any unique traditions for the Priory Scholars and also for the other NYC scion societies?

Over the last three years we’ve evolved a successful format. We have 4 short toasts; always one to Holmes & Watson and 3 that are related to items in the story. We also have 4 homework assignments (mini papers); one is a synopsis of the story and three others that explore significant aspects of the story under discussion and are presented during the course of said discussion. Limiting the amount of time for both the toasts and homework assignments helps keeps the meeting flowing. Several of the “students” presentations have been published in the Serpentine Muse.

And also, are there any traditions among the different societies that are similar in nature to each other?

Most of the local scions have toasts; many have either discussions and/or presentation of papers. But each of the local scions has their own traditions and program format. For instance The Three Garridebs always have a toast to the wives of Dr. Watson. The Epilogues in NJ always discuss two stories concurrently. Mrs. Hudson’s Cliffdwellers, also in NJ, often have games and/or contests as part of their program.

Why do you think New York City is such a popular gathering place for enthusiastic Sherlockians?

The five (actually six) local scions are spread out over the tri-state area. There are the Epilogues and Mrs. Hudson’s Cliffdwellers in New Jersey. In New York there are the Montague Street Lodgers in Brooklyn, The Priory Scholars in Manhattan and The Three Garridebs in Westchester. The Men on the Tor are located in Conn. Many of the local Sherlockians go to as many of the meetings as their schedules permit.

Through your interaction with local scion societies and from working with younger Sherlockians in the Priory Scholars of NYC, what are your thoughts on the next generation of Sherlockian scholarship?

That’s a complicated question to answer. When reading a journal like the Watsonian or the Muse you don’t always know the writer and therefore would have no way of knowing their age. Also I tend to skip through articles on subjects that are not of interest to me. However I must say that I have been very impressed by the presentations of the younger members of Priory Scholars. I think the future will continue to provide us with entertaining scholarship from the younger Sherlockians.

Weekly Forum 2015: #22

Today’s topic is from our fellow JHWS member “Gwen.” Thank you!

Once Dr Watson’s elusive tin dispatch box is finally found, which of the untold tales mentioned in the Canon would you wish to read first?

On June 2nd…

June 2, 1902: The house agent presented Mrs. Maberly with an agreement to purchase Three Gables. (3GAB)

Editor’s note: When my Wife and I first moved to Denver, we looked for an apartment. Imagine my surprise and pleasure at finding an apartment unit that had 3 Gable facades on the front of the building. The Apartment building’s name was The Three Gables. We stayed for many years as I worked at a local Hospital. The Apartment building’s address was 1635 Cook Street and still is. The last time that I saw the building, it is the worse for wear as am I.

Weekly Forum 2015: #21

Today’s discussion is about a link from “Chips” via the Facebook group “The Diogenes BookClub:”

15 Curious Facts About Sherlock Holmes and Sherlockian Subculture

The article features several facts gleaned from the new book “The Great Detective” by Zach Dundas. Several are common knowledge among Sherlockians, Holmesians, and we Watsonians, but I’m sure a great deal of these were a surprise to those not so familiar with the world of the great detective and his loyal friend.

What is a fact or two that you find tends to surprise people who are only familiar with Sherlock Holmes through pop culture?

(For me, my friends were very surprised to hear about Sherlockian societies – they were not aware that so many existed!)

Weekly Forum 2015: #20

For some of us, our personal collection does not stop at a well-read copy of the Canon. Instead, it is usually just the beginning…


Collection Curios

Aside from editions of the Canon, let’s discuss a few of the unique and prized items of note from your personal Sherlockian (and/or Watsonian) Collection.

EDIT TO ADD: “Dash” sent in a photo of two treasures from his collection!


To quote “Dash”:
“I keep our invitations to Sherlockian events posted on it with a jackknife. Next to the papers is a small pewter figurine of Holmes. I had purchased one of these at the New York Public Library when I was in high school, my first bit of Holmesian memorabilia. Some years later, I lent it to an exhibit and it was stolen. Several years ago I was able to replace it thanks to the late Vinnie Brosnan, JHWS “Beeton.”

Thank you, everyone, for sharing!

On May 18th…

May 18th 1900: Heidegger’s body was discovered on the lower Gill moor. (PRIO) Ruben Hayes was arrested in Chesterfield for the murder of Heidegger

A Poem from 1939

Judith “Cocoa” brought attention to a poem from 1939 that was featured on the Almost Holmes website (and found on this site as well):

‘The stately Holmes of England, how beautiful he stood
Long, long ago in Baker Street–and still in Hollywood
He keeps the ancient flair for clues, the firm incisive chin,
The deerstalker, the dressing-gown, the shag, the violin.

But Watson, Doctor Watson! How altered, how betrayed
The fleet of foot, the warrior once, the faster than Lestrade!
What imbecile production, what madness of the moon
Has screened my glorious Watson as well nigh a buffoon?

Is this the face that went with Holmes on half a hundred trips
Through nights of rain, by gig, by train, are these the eyes, the lips?
These goggling eyes, these stammering lips, can these reveal the mind
How strong to tread where duty led, his practice cast behind?

His not to reason why nor doubt the great detective’s plan–
The butt, maybe, of repartee yet still the perfect man,
Brave as the British lion is brave, brave as the buffalo,
What do they know of England who do not Watson know?

We have not many Sherlocks to sift the right from wrong
When evil stalks amongst us and craft and crime are strong,
Let not the Watsons fail us, the men of bull-dog mould,
Where still beneath the tight frock-coat beats on the heart of gold.

Watson, who dared the Demon Hound nor asked for fame nor fee,
Thou should’st be living at this hour. England hath need of thee!’
Thus did I muse and muse aloud while wondering at the flick
Till people near me turned and said, ‘Shut up, you make us sick!’
E. V. Knox, editor of Punch

Isn’t it curious to think that there was a time, several years ago, where Watson was often portrayed as a buffoon on screen and rarely viewed otherwise? Yet adaptions in the past thirty or so years have often gone in quite the opposite direction by featuring truer qualities that we know from the Canon. Perhaps, from this generation onward, interpretations of Dr Watson will continue to lean towards him being seen as the loyal and heroic companion instead of the convenient comedic foil.