On August 7th…

August 7, 1888: Jim Browner mailed two severed ears to S. Cushing. [CARD]
August 7, 1903: Professor Presbury took Lowenstein’s elixir of life for the fifth time. [CREE]

On August 2nd…

August 2, 1898: The fifth Dancing Men (Message: “Come Elsie”) appeared. [DANC]
August 2, 1914: Baron Von Herling congratulated Von Bork on his successful espionage. [LAST]
August 2, 1914: “Altamont” (AKA Sherlock Holmes) handed over the book disclosing British naval signals (AKA Practical Handbook of Bee Culture) to Von Bork. [LAST]
August 2, 1914: Holmes and Watson captured Von Bork. [LAST]

The 2016 Treasure Hunt Is Posted

Hello Treasure Hunters!

It is now 5 AM, August 1, 2016, in India; in honor of our new competitors from The Sherlock Holmes Society of India I am posting the 2016 Treasure Hunt now although it is not quite August 1 for many of us yet.  This posting time seems an appropriate time considering the information about five in the morning contained in RESI.

As always, a forum has been opened on the Quiz page for questions, clarifications, complaints, etc.  I will respond to any postings as quickly as possible.  I’m thinking you will probably find some error or the other in the document, despite many hours of proofing/checking.  If you do not, thank Sheila Holtgrieve (JHWS Daisy) for her fine proof-reading and consulting work on this year’s hunt; if you do find errors, it is my fault as I continued to tinker with the thing after Sheila’s good work was complete.  Any needed corrections will be posted to the forum.  Please check it from time to time.

Please don’t forget the hunt is scored on a point system.  Therefore, if you know part of a question (Who?), but not the other part (What?), please add the part you do know to your document.  You will receive credit for each individual part of the question that is answered correctly.

I have uploaded the Treasure Hunt in Microsoft Word (.docx) and in .pdf. Please see the rules page for instructions for submitting your finished hunt.

Ok, on you go…Happy Hunting!



2016 Treasure Hunt Master

2016 TH Questions

2016 TH Questions




2016 Treasure Hunt Forum/ Open on Quiz Page

Hello 2016 Treasure Hunters!

This post is now open for clarifications/questions/discussion concerning the 4th Annual JHWS Treasure Hunt.  I am opening the forum today, as our Treasure Hunt will post tomorrow evening (PDT) when it will be July 31 yet in some parts of the world but August 1 in other areas.  As we are now such a global group, we have many time zones to consider.

This forum will remain open through September 1. Please feel free to discuss anything related to the hunt with the exception of posting specific answers to any of the questions.  Any questions posted here for the Treasure Hunt Master will be answered as quickly as possible.

Happy Hunting!


On July 30th…

July 30, 1889: At 2 a.m., Joseph Harrison attempted to break into Phelps’s bedroom. [NAVA]

July 30, 1889: —Watson and Percy Phelps returned to London. [NAVA]

July 30, 1898: The third Dancing Men (Message: “Come Elsie”) appeared. [DANC]

Watsonian Deadline Approaching

Calling all Writers and Illustrators!

This is a reminder that the  deadline for the October Fall issue of The Watsonian is August 1st, which is this coming Monday.

The Society welcomes scholarly papers, articles, original fiction, miscellanea or other submissions. One need not be an experienced or academic writer; some of our most engaging articles come from individuals with a love for the writing and appreciation for the pleasures gained over the years.There is always room for your research, thoughts, ideas and creativity. The Society is an inclusive group; we desire interested Watsonians to take part and to approach the Society with innovative projects. Whether you are a first time author is not important; that you try is what counts.

Submissions should be up-to-date Word documents and sent via email attachment to: publisher@johnhwatsonsociety.com. Pippin says timely procrastinators are welcome.

On July 29th…

July 29, 1909: Fitzroy McPherson was killed by the Cyanea capillata. [LION]

July 29, 1889: Holmes and Watson visited Percy Phelps at Briarbrae. [NAVA]