As promised yesterday, the second in a pair of limericks about “The Creeping Man” by Sandy Kozinn (JHWS “Roxie”):
It turned out, as Presbury found,
His behavior would bother his hound.
If your nature you’d change,
You’d better arrange
Not to have your old dog hang around.
Have a limerick you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!
Holmes awoke Watson at dawn.
The Doctor was tired and drawn
but he was all rapt attention
when informed of the tension
that marked life at old Stoke Moran.
There’d been Helen and Julia, her sister
Sister J. was betrothed to a mister.
She lit a Swan vesta,
went on full-time siesta
with no mark, not even a blister.
Julia in fright had retired.
With the fright that events had inspired
She awoke from her dreams
With fearful wild screams,
Ran into the hall, and expired.
Sister Helen now feared for her life
For she soon was to become a wife
And she’d been moved to the room
Where dear Julia met doom,
And heard a whistle that wasn’t a fife.
Then came Roylott to disrupt the plan.
An hunting crop swung from his hand.
Dressed in peculiar fashion
“marked with every evil passion”
As George said: “he was a BAD man”.
Dr. Roylott crumpled the poker.
He said ‘I’m a killer not joker,
You’ll be wise to stay clear
As I’m someone to fear.
Cross my path and you’ll be a croaker.’
The Master set off for the trains
That would take them to Surrey’s quaint lanes
With resolution true
And an Eley’s No.2
Should Roylott attempt to cause pains.
Holmes and Watson sat in the night,
Heard a whistle, then made a light.
‘Twas the deadly swamp adder
But that was no matter,
A cane’s blow soon put it to flight.
The adder returned through the vent
And struck him by whom it was sent.
Grimesby Roylott was dead
In mere seconds they said,
As soon as its venom was spent.
So cheers to the brave little Miss.
She has earned her marital bliss
And to Roylott whose hurts
Were his own just desserts
We reserve our annual HISSSSSSS!
My toast to Grimesby Roylott on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of The Speckled Band of Boston
Bravo! That’s wonderful!
Thanks. I’ve had a lot of fun with this toast.