January JHWS Meetings and More!!!

On January 26, 2025, the John H. Watson Society will have a rare double event! First, of course, will be our regular January meeting, which will be a free-flowing discussion of all the January Holmes birthday events at noon central time. Here’s the registration link for that:


And then, once darkness falls upon the land and the glow of televisions light the night, a second meeting to watchalong the premiere episode of CBS’s Watson will occur. We’ll wait for the AFC Championship game to be over, mute the mikes for a typed-chat-only convo while the show is on, and then open up the microphones again to record some immediate reviewing for that night’s Watsonian Weekly podcast! (You’ll have to watch on your own TV, of course. The meeting will just be here for our chat.) Here’s the link for that meeting:


And while we’re talking about the Watsonian Weekly, the offical podcast of the John H. Watson Society, here’s a link to the latest episode:
