Hello Watsonians!
We were fortunate to hear from our friends at the Sherlock Holmes Society of India this past week concerning the publication of the latest edition of the SHSI electronic magazine. The magazine is available free of charge, and is a treasure trove of information.
Jay, leader of the SHSI team in the most recent JHWS Treasure Hunt, passed along this note:
Thought you might want to see the new issue of our e-magazine! http://www.sherlockholmessociety.in/2016/12/proceedings-of-pondicherry-lodge-winter.html
If you have not seen the magazine before, you are in for a treat. If you have, then you know what a fantastic publication it is. I hope you have opportunity to check it out.
Margie/ JHWS ‘Mopsy’
PS: I have written to you many times before as JHWS ‘Gwen’ but, as you know, the names of pups sometimes evolve into something else entirely after awhile. I have evolved into ‘Mopsy’. I once knew a sweet heart of a Great Dane who evolved from ‘Julius Caesar’ to ‘Big Boy’ in just a matter of months. After a year or two, no one ever remembered his original name. It happens. 🙂
I was very happy to have my short story “Sherlock Holmes and the Sharp Shooter” included in this issue.