“Creep forward quietly and see what they are doing–“

Said Sherlock Holmes to Watson, as they, with Lestrade in tow, waited for the hound to be released upon the soon-to-be-on-the-path Henry Baskverville.  I’m assuming the quietness from JHWS members to the previous 4th Treasure Hunt warm-up question is because you are busy enjoying your summer before the dog days of August set in.  (Bad pun very much intended.)  Our faithful Chips is the only one who posted an attempt to the second warm-up question.  Many thanks to Chips for giving the question a go.

The question was:

Mixture: Kitty + Porky + Birdy= Common 4-letter address.  Where?

The answer is: HELL [See the applicable quotes from the Canon below]

We will have one more warm-up question before the 4th Treasure Hunt begins on August 1.  In our mixture of reality and imagination theme, the last warm-up question will require some imagination on your part to find the answer.  My counselor and question-tester for this edition of the hunt, Sheila Holtgrieve [JHWS Daisy] rated the second and third warm-up questions as ‘medium difficulty’, but then she is a master quizzer and a three year veteran of the Treasure Hunt so her idea of medium might not be the same as most folks. 🙂

I will post it in a day or two after our American members are past their 4th of July celebrations.  I hope you will come out and play along.


JHWS/ Gwen

2016 Treasure Hunt Master


–W., p.989, ILLU: “I’m easy to find,” said the young woman. “Hell, London, gets me every time. Same address for Porky Shinwell. We’re old mates, Porky, you and I. But, by Cripes! there is another who ought to be down in a lower hell than we if there was any justice in the world! That is the man you are after, Mr. Holmes.” Holmes smiled. “I gather we have your good wishes, Miss Winter.”

–W., p 864, VALL: [Birdy Edwards speaking]”Aye, John McGinty, you may call me that if it eases your smart. You and your like have been the enemy of God and man in these parts. It took a man to get between you and the poor devils of men and women that you held under your grip. There was just one way of doing it, and I did it. You call me a `traitor’, but I guess there’s many a thousand will call me a `deliverer’ that went down into hell to save them. I’ve had three months of it. I wouldn’t have three such months again if they let me loose in the Treasury at Washington for it.”

2 Replies to ““Creep forward quietly and see what they are doing–“”

  1. I just finished reading the quotes from the Canon that put together equal the answer. This edition of the treasure Hunt will require me to think out of the box so to speak. I am already stocking up on headache pills and disposable ice packs. In spite of that bring it on.The Game will be A foot, Chips

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