Greg Darak “Dexter”
Welcome to Mr Greg Darak, JHWS “Dexter” and BSI “The Engineer’s Thumb,” member of The Speckled Band of Boston. He joins us from Trumbull, Connecticut.
Ann Gavaghan “Cherie”
Welcome to Ms Ann Gavaghan, JHWS “Cherie” who joins us from her home in London. Ann writes:
“Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I am a fairly new Sherlockian – I’ve been an avid reader of the stories for years, but only recently have made the plunge into the world of the scions, following relocation from the United States to London. In addition to my membership in the John H Watson Society, I am also a member of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London.”
Michael Jordan “Lowell”
Welcome to Mr Michael r Jordan, JHWS “Lowell” who joins us from American Canyon, California. “Lowell” is a member of the Napa Valley Napoleons of S.H.
Elizabeth Kerr “Gigi”
Welcome to Ms Elizabeth Kerr, JHWS “Gigi” who joins from her home in American Canyon, California. “Gigi” is also a member of the Napa Valley Napoleons of S.H.
Scott Monty “Woolley”
Welcome to Mr Scott Monty, JHWS “Woolley” and BSI “Corporal Henry Wood.” “Woolley” is the co-host of the vastly popular Internet source “I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.” He lives in Canton, Michigan.
Burt Wolder “Taylor”
Welcome to Mr Burt Wolder, JHWS “Taylor” and BSI “Third Pillar From the Left,” SHSL, member of The Sons of the Copper Beeches and Master-Copper-Beech Smith. Also, member of The Speckled Band of Boston and The Cornish Horrors. “Taylor” is also co-host of “I hear of Sherlock Everywhere.” He lives in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
Jeff Quest “Galahad”
Welcome to Mr Jeff Quest, JHWS “Galahad” who joins the Society from Berwyn, Illinois.
A warm welcome to all of our new Charter Members is extended by the Society in its entirety. We look forward to the participation by these Watsonian and Sherlockian enthusiasts and to their contributions to The Watsonian.
We extend to each of them our traditional Welcome: “You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.”
New Membership Changes
With our newest members, the Society’s Founding and Charter Members total 134 members. It is likely that the Founding and Charter Member period will end on December 31, 2013 with 135 total members. After this date, all new members will be known as Loyal Members. As Charter and Founding Members become Retired or Emeritus, their bull-pup monikers will be re-assigned to new Loyal Members based on seniority of membership date. Thus, the Founding Members will always number twelve and the Charter Members will always number one hundred twenty-three, for a total of one hundred and thirty-five “Monikered Members.” Loyal Members and Student Members will be unlimited.
Founding and Charter “Monikered” Members are encouraged to retain their Founding and Charter Certificates with their bestowed Moniker as these will become future historic artifacts of the Society’s early history.
And so, on to 2014 and the future of The John H Watson Society. With all good wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year, we remain,
Faithfully yours . . .