‘There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper, with the names of some club friends…’
With the use of a John Watson Bowler hat and some slips of paper, the names of two Watsonians were drawn this morning to receive the admission tickets for the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium in Portland, Oregon, this October. The lucky recipients are:
Bruce Parker, JHWS ‘Oxford’
Robert Perret, JHWS ‘Sampson’
Many congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all the Watsonians participating in the contest. Our winners will receive registration instructions via email.
Registration is on-going for the symposium. It is sure to be an excellent weekend of Watsonian, Sherlockian, and Holmesian fun. Information can be found at leftcoastsherlock.com.
The JHWS will be well represented at the symposium. Won’t you join us?
Margie Deck/ ‘Mopsy’