December 27, 1889: Watson wished Holmes the compliments of the season. [BLUE]
December 27, 1889: Holmes traced the goose in whose crop the blue carbuncle was found to the Alpha Inn and thence to Breckinridge’s stall at Covent Garden. [BLUE]
December 27, 1889: James Ryder confessed to stealing the blue carbuncle. [BLUE]
December 27, 1889: Holmes decided to allow James Ryder to go free. [BLUE]
On December 25th…
December 25, 1880: Julia Stoner met a half-pay Major. [SIGN]
December 25, 1889: Henry Baker lost his hat and goose. [BLUE]
On December 23rd…
December 23, 1879: Sebastian Moran fought in the Battle of Sherpur. [EMPT]
On December 22nd…
December 22, 1889: The Countess of Morcar’s blue carbuncle disappeared. [BLUE]
December 22, 1889: Jack Horner was arrested in the evening for stealing the blue carbuncle. [BLUE]
On December 10th…
December 10, 1896: Godfrey Staunton’s wife died. [MISS]
On December 9th…
December 9, 1896: Oxford defeated Cambridge by a goal and two tries. [MISS]
On December 8th…
December 8, 1896: Holmes visited Dr Leslie Armstrong. [MISS]
On December 7th…
December 7, 1888: Lord St Simon consulted Holmes [NOBL]
December 7, 1888: Holmes introduced Lord St Simon to Mr And Mrs Francis Hay Moulton [NOBL]
December 7, 1896: Godfrey Staunton disappeared [MISS]
On December 5th…
December 5, 1888: An announcement that the St Simon wedding had taken place appeared in the newspapers. [NOBL]
On December 4th…
December 4, 1878: Mary Morstan visited the Langham Hotel. [SIGN]
December 4, 1888: Francis Hay Moulton moved to 226 Gordon Square. [NOBL]
December 4, 1888: Lord Robert St Simon married Hattie Doran. [NOBL]
December 4, 1888: Hattie Doran disappeared. [NOBL]
On December 3rd…
December 3, 1878: Captain Arthur Morstan disappeared. [SIGN]
December 3, 1888: Newspapers announced that the St Simon wedding would be a quiet one [NOBL]
December 3, 1888: Francis Hay Moulton arrived in London. [NOBL]
On November 30th…
November 30, 1895: Oberstein was captured in the smoking room of the Charing Cross Hotel [BRUC]
On November 29th…
November 29, 1890: Culverton Smith confessed to killing his nephew, Victor Savage. [DYIN]
On November 28th…
November 28, 1890: Holmes fasted for a second day. [DYIN]
On November 27th…
November 27, 1890: Holmes fasted. [DYIN]
On November 26th…
November 26, 1880: The Orontes docked at Portsmouth bearing Watson. [STUD]
November 26, 1890: Holmes took to his bed. [DYIN]
On November 22nd…
November 22, 1895: Colonel Valentine Walter confessed to stealing the Submarine plans. [BRUC]
On November 21st…
November 21, 1895: Mycroft asked Holmes to find the stolen submarine plans. [BRUC]
November 21, 1901: Holmes wrote to thank Morrison, Morrison and Dodd for their letter about vampires. [SUSS]
On November 20th…
November 20, 1901: Bob Ferguson called on Holmes for advice [SUSS]
November 20, 1901: Holmes told Bob Ferguson that his son, Jacky had tried to poison the baby [SUSS]
On November 19th…
November 19, 1895: Cadogan West’s body was found on the underground tracks around 6 a.m. [BRUC]
November 19, 1901: Holmes received a letter about vampires. [SUSS]