The Yates Award, named for the renowned translator and Sherlockian scholar, Prof. Donald A. Yates, PhD, BSI “The Greek Interpreter,” The Napa Valley Napoleons of S.H., seeks to recognize works of scholarship in translation to further the dissemination of Watsonian research and scholarship worldwide.
The Pollock Award, named for the renowned Sherlockian scholar, editor and author, Prof. Donald Pollock, PhD, MD, The Five Orange Pips, seeks to recognize works and research concerning The Hound of the Baskervilles, arguably John Watson’s finest book.
The Col. Ted Schulz Award, named for renowned late Sherlockian Col. Ted Schulz, BSI, “The Amateur Mendicant Society” and judged by the equally renowned editor and Sherlockian scholar, Michael H. Kean, PhD, BSI “General Charles Gordon,” The Diogenes Club of the Monterey Peninsula, seeks to recognize original creative writing concerning John H. Watson, M.D.
The Blau Award, named for the renowned Sherlockian scholar and journalist, Peter E. Blau, BSI “Black Peter,” S.H.S.L., The Red Circle of Washington, D.C., seeks to recognize works of journalism, communication, and ephemera of Watsonian and Sherlockian Scions and clubs.
The Taylor Award, named for the renowned bookman and librarist, Bruce Taylor, NVNSH, seeks to recognize excellence in library building and book collecting within the Watsonian and Sherlockian milieu.
The Watsonian Prize, an annual, endowed scholarship prize of $500 is awarded by the Director of Publishing and Editor-in-Chief, Joanne Yates, PhD., to an enrolled university student writing the best scholarly article pertaining to John H. Watson, M.D. to appear in the official journal of the Society, “The Watsonian” during each publishing year.