Imagine Yourself Here!

To All:

Here is another Phil Cornell drawing. This a train carriage where I pictured myself countless times. Phil’s  attention to detail is just one aspect of why I so enjoy his work.

Take good care of yourselves,

Ron “Chips”

Call For Papers

The Society is accepting papers, articles, fiction, humor, and miscellanea for the April 2015 issue ofThe Watsonian. Unlike most journals, we do not have a backlog of submissions and we will have space in the forthcoming journal for material submitted by February 15, 2015.

Submission guidelines are found in the current issue. We would remind authors that we prefer all articles to use endnotes rather than footnotes at the bottom of the pages.  Footnotes are pre-formatted by Word and we have to remove them prior to creating the final printing files. Plus, endnotes are much easier for the author, the editors, and the designer. Please do not use super-script numerals in the text; rather, please use regular numerals in brackets in this style at the point of an endnote in the text:  This signifies an endnote [1], [2], [3], etc.

Members will receive the first of our new publication, The Fiction Series, with their copy of the April 2015 issue of the journal. It is a longish short story titled The Duke’s Study by Luca Sartori “Victor,” a Member and a student at the University of Urbino in Italy.

The Society especially encourages first-time writers. One does not need to be a “scholar” or an “expert.” These are terms that have little relevance in a Society like ours where everyone’s thoughts and efforts are welcome, whether in print or online.

Writers need not be concerned about the editing experience; we are kind and helpful, and we attempt not to make it difficult or tedious. We exist as a Society to have fun and our journal has the same purpose.  Please give some thought to writing about that topic in the Canon you have always thought about and send us your submission.

Send all submissions to Buttons:

Weekly Quiz 46: A Stumper

Weekly Quiz 46

RESULTS:  First in with the correct answer is Patricia Villicrusis “Helena” with a correct answer for the Honours.  Second in was Team SOB, Margie Deck “Gwen” and Sheila Holtgrieve “Daisy” also with a correct solution.  Denny Dobry “Kirby” was third in with another corrrect solution.

The solution was found in VALL, Jean Babtiste Greuze, the French painter, one of whose paintings was owned by Moriarty according to Holmes.  He was buried with immortelles (daisies) on his coffin.  The alternative answer, also correct, was Napoleon who also was buried with immortelles on his coffin and who was referenced when Holmes called Moriarty “The Napoleon of Crime.”

Congratulations on a particularly obscure quiz question.

This week, we give you a stumper:

On this person’s coffin were laid immortelles. Culturally, references to this individual appear in the works of numerous mystery writers and, specifically, in the Canon, where Holmes makes this person’s connection to Moriarty.

Please submit solutions by noon, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 to

Weekly Forum: Watson as Partner in the Firm

Could we attempt the creation of a catalogue of the books and stories and concise summary of each of Doctor Watson’s positive influences, actions, and additions to the various cases?

Such a listing and capsule summary would assist in viewing in one list the good doctor’s overall contributions to the firm over the years.  Perhaps one Member might pick a book; another a second book; others individual cases, or collections such as The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes, or The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

With adequate participation by our esteemed Members, and with complete coverage, we would quite possibly have a thorough and unique review that could be completed as a blog-string paper for the journal

Dan Andriacco “Dutch” has Kind Words for The Watsonian

Our valued Member and noted Sherlockian author, Dr Dan Andriacco “Dutch,” has reviewed the October issue of The Watsonian and offers some very kind words for our authors. Dan quotes the issue as 160 pages, rather than the 180 pages as readers will discover.  Btt, as Dan says, all pages are chock-full of great content on Watson and even a few on Holmes.

Dan has several new books–all very well-written and fascinating–in his Sebastian McCabe and Jeff Cody series.  Take a look at his always fun website:

Weekly Quiz 45: Random Questions

RESULTS: Denny Dobry “Kirby,” and Sheils Holtgrieve “Daisy” and Margie Deck “Gwen” were 9/10 this week. Latin in the Canon is pesky, although all came up with plausible, if slightly wide of the mark, alternatives. Answers below.

This week’s quiz returns to those pesky random questions. Please submit solutions by noon, November 14, 2014 to

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Weekly Forum: November 4, 2014

In NORW Dr Watson writes in the beginning of the story, ” . . . and I at his request sold my practice and returned to share the old quarters in Baker Street.”

Note, that Dr Watson uses the word “request.”  He might have said, invited, asked, suggested, intimated, or any other such word.  But, he wrote “request.”

Why would Holmes “request” Watson to return, and why would Holmes arrange to have Watson’s practice purchased and provide the money for the purchase himself?

What is going on here that we have not seen all these years?   This is very fertile ground for ploughing.

Another Wonderful Illustration

Ron Lies “Chips” sends us this wonderful illustration by Phil Cornell from Australia.  This was signed for Ron by Phil.

Ron is having surgery November 4 and would be happy to have your best wishes. His email is: .  Send him a get well soon wish!


Weekly Quiz 44

RESULTS:  Denny Dobry “Kirby” was first in for Individual Honors and Margie Deck “Gwen” and Sheila Holtgrieve “Daisy” took Team Honors.  They were the only three with the correct solution to “Lord George” Sanger of Sanger’s Circus. He was given the name His Lordship by his father because of his love of fine clothing. His brother, John Sanger, was known as Gentleman John and not Lord John as erroneously reported in Tracy’s Encyclopaedia. Sanger’s was the largest circus in England, and George Sanger greatly admired P.T. Barnum.  Referenced in VEIL.  Well Done to our three Invincibles!

Buttons is feeling a bit otherworldly given that it is Samhain. So, a single question quiz:

This gentleman, his Lordship George, was prominent in this circle. Please name who, what and the book or story in which he is referenced.

Please submit solutions to by noon Wednesday, November 5, 2014.

Weekly Forum: October 21, 2014

Did Doctor Watson rejoin the British Army as a physician during World War I? What is the evidence and what are your surmises from knowing the life of the man?

Our Dr Bob Katz “Willow” wrote, in a BSJ article in 1992, that Watson spent World War I serving in the army performing pre-induction physicals. He would have been quite expert at identifying malingerers who were attempting to evade military service, as he had firsthand experience learning about malingering from Holmes, one of the first students of the subject (DYIN).

A Limerick

This from our good “Chips”

A Snip and a Snort

A snip and a snort on the list,
Are something I’d never have missed.
They’re not worse than a pun,
So take it as fun.
Someday they’ll be lost in the mist.

—by Sandy Kozinn, “Roxie” and “Esmerelda”
a Sherlockian amongst Sherlockians

Weekly Quiz 42

RESULTS:  Margie Deck “Gwen” and Sheila Holtgrieve “Daisy” give us 11/10 with the most creative answer as an extra.  Denny Dobry “Kirby” was a close second.

The Team SOB answer to question #1 was a rich pun:

1. A toast of the British Navy.

Answer: Phelp’s missing Naval Treaty.  Holmes states that Mrs. Hudson has  “…a good idea of breakfast as a Scotchwoman.”; toast is part of a full Scottish Breakfast. The Naval Treaty was placed under the dome of the breakfast plate. NAVA, W., p. 465-466.


The original answer is in the answers below.

NOTE: A correction has been made to Question #9.

This week’s quiz is random. Please submit solutions by noon, October 22, 2014 to



Download File:

Weekly Forum: October 14 2014

Mrs Watson (No, the Other One)

Mrs. J. Watson and son John (ca 1854)
Mrs. J. Watson and son John (ca 1854)

Very little has been written about Mrs Watson, John Watson’s mother. There is no Canonical evidence, but from the abundant evidence about her son, what can we say about Doctor Watson’s mom?

Weekly Quiz 41

Last week was Interiors; this week is Exteriors.  Please identify the exterior described and cite the book or story and page number in Doubleday’s one-volume edition of 1930.  Solutions by 12 noon, Wednesday, October 15th please.

This quiz reveals how much Doctor Watson tended to use the same details over again; sort of an exterior recycling.

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