A little Watson pub trivia anyone?

Did we ever mention that you don’t have to be a card-carrying member of the John H. Watson Society to attend a meeting of the JHWS? (Hint: We don’t have membership cards.)

Our next meeting is tomorrow (Saturday, November 27th at) at the magical hour of 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. , and in the grand tradition of the best pub trivia we’ll be testing Watson knowledge while we share some as well. Calculate and double-calculate what time that happens in your time zone and join us for some fun.

The registration link is  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vduihrj0tHdI1bceHd20aq5eKeP8XxO2n

Our November Zoom with trivia fun!

Here we go again! Yes, it may be a holiday weekend in one of the countries we’re based in, but when is a meeting of the John H. Watson Society anything but a holiday? We’re going to have some fun little Watson pub trivia that you can enjoy even if you don’t have his immortal words memorized, along with the usual chatter, so take a break last Saturday of the month for a visit.

When is it happening? Saturday, November 27th at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. — and be sure to double check that time against your local time zone. Need a reminder? Get a Watson reminder buddy!

If you haven’t got a Watson reminder buddy, if you’d like to get invited to the Zoom, and or if you haven’t gotten the link already from some back-alley source, just email podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com to get in on the event.

The Bride of Watson, or Watson the Bride?

Time again to summon the Society of Watson to speak of the things of which no one else speaks. And this being October, as the darkness claims the land, and the spirits of the dead come closer to the veil, even matters Watsonian must turn to shadowed tales of . . . well, you’ll just have to come to the October meeting to find out! 

When is it happening? Saturday, October 23rd at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. — and be sure to double check that time against your local time zone (especially if your name rhymes with “Doll Lomax Killer”).

If you’d like to get invited to the Zoom, and haven’t gotten the link already from some back-alley source, just email podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com to get in on the event.

The JHWS September Zoom

John H. Watson: Doctor, writer, detective agency partner, and. . . . documentary film-maker?

At the next meeting of the John H. Watson Society — Saturday, September 25th at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. — we’re indulging a couple of conspiracy theorists and testing Watson’s documentary footage with a JHWS-meeting sized group of test subjects. You may have heard of this sort of experimentation being done before on janitors and robots in isolated space stations, but rest assured — no robots will be present at this meeting.

If you’d like to get invited to the Zoom, and haven’t gotten the link already from some back-alley source, just email podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com to get in on the event.

And while you’re feeling in mood for being open to the great panorama of life that includes John H. Watson, M.D. take a listen the the latest episode of our society’s own podcast, the Watsonian Weekly at https://watsonianweekly.libsyn.com/september-20-2021-three-continents-of-watsonians and wherever fine podcasts are streamed. (Want to be on the Watsonian Weekly? Got ideas or just a hankering to do Watsonian audio content? Just write to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com and find out how. )

Watson’s saddest case on a cheery podcast!

Yes, it’s Watsonian Weekly time again — it does happen every week, remember? You may have listened once a long time ago, but that means you haven’t heard more recent features like “What’s on Watson,” “Roxie’s Bull Pup Poetry Corner,” “Want Them To Be Watson,” or the latest, “The Watson View of . . .” (Insert story name here.) It’s less than twenty minutes long, so not much commitment there at all.

You can find “The Watsonian Weekly” every week at:
or on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and all those places podcasts tend to show up.

Our August meeting of august Watsonians

This Saturday, the bull pups and friends will finally be gathering again to discuss our old friend John H. Watson and those who came after him — his literal heirs! Who in his life might have gathered for the reading of the will? Who took something of Watson with them when he was gone, either in a tin box or their DNA? The matter needs discussed, and we shall certainly do it this Saturday. (And probably record something of it for the society’s podcast.) And who knows where else the conversation might ramble, as always!

Saturday, August 28 at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. is the time, Zoom is the place. If you need the Zoom invitation, please send a request to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com and we’ll get you the link.

Next Meeting: The Heirs of John H. Watson

We’re just a couple of weeks out from our next Zoom meeting of the John H. Watson Society, and what do we have planned? Well, there was a suggestion of Watson and sports, following a certain Olympic-minded ACD thread, but a more intriguing possibility came up: The potential or non-existent offspring of the good doctor!

So on Saturday, August 28, the Watsonians will gather at the usual time and open our minds to the possibilities with a 15-20 minute radio play entitled “The Will of Watson.” Following that, we shall discuss any and all potential threads of the Watson line. Whether it’s one wife or six, a wounded reproductive system or a healthy one, John H. Watson was surely survived by someone, and it’s time we figured out who.

If you would like to take a role in our little radio play, send off a note to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com . (Did I mention that it will most likely be recorded for The Watsonian Weekly, the closest thing we have to radio at present? It will be.)

A mega-Watsonian Weekly scintillates!

With both additional bull pups and a full review of this weekends “Scintillation of Scions” event, the John H. Watson Society’s weekly podcast is firing on all cylinders this week, clocking in at a half-hour longer than normal. Don’t miss the fun, and find The Watsonian Weekly on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or right here from this link:


And if you’re still puzzling over a certain question or two on the JHWS Treasure Hunt on our society’s favorite podcast — or if you want to just see how much things have (or haven’t) changed over three seasons — here’s a link to the very first episode:


No July meeting of the JHWS?

Due to a family obligation of the usual host and the lack of a backup plan, the usual monthly Zoom won’t be happening for July. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal in August, but if you have any potential alternatives for fellow members of the society to gather, post them in the comments.

This JHWS meeting and the next

The June meeting of the John H. Watson Society today featured a lively discussion of John Watson’s childhood, which somehow took Watson from traveling via balloon to whether nannies counted as “experience of women,” a a lot of sideroads along the way. Would Paul Newman make a better Watson than a Holmes? And why was he in that convent with one of our members? How did you stop a monowheel? Did young Watson have toffee?

If you needed a reminder, which we failed to send, we’ll try better next time. What does “next time” mean? Our July meeting will feature a recognizable and colorful passage from the good Watson as read in as many different languages as our members can speak! Which passage will that be? We need suggestions!

What part of the Canon would you know even if it were in a language you don’t speak? What paragraph or dialogue is Watson at his best? Throw your suggestions in the comments and we’ll pick one a couple weeks in advance for our next meeting.

Kid Watson makes the meeting?

Others may start to gather in person, but the John H. Watson Society Zooms again! Saturday, June 26 at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. is the next appointed meeting time, and we’ll get together to discuss John Watson’s childhood and all that it might have held. Favorite sweet? Favorite games? Favorite books? Family drama is for adults, so let’s let Watson be a kid and see where that takes us. Come one, come all. If the Zoom invitation doesn’t turn up in your mailbox somehow, drop a line to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com and we’ll see you get one.

Summer time is podcast time!

So, summer’s here, and you find yourself sitting around the Shingle of Southsea with fifteen or twenty minutes on your hands, and you’re just tired of listening to the cries of the various sea birds . . . what do you do? Remember the Watsonian Weekly?
https://watsonianweekly.libsyn.com/june-7-2021-the-coronet-of-watsons-summer-place (Also in all those places you find random podcasts. Just search “Watsonian Weekly” — nobody else is using that name, trust us!)

Get your fresh Watsonian Weekly here!

Miss Saturday’s meeting of the John H. Watson Society and need a report on it? Want to hear what brand new feature that Paul Thomas Miller has concocted for podcast listeners? All that and the features you’ve come to know and hopefully have some measure of affection for, on this week’s latest Watsonian Weekly. Find it online at:


Or you can always check your favorite podcast provider to see if they carry it! There are plenty of Sherlockian podcasts out there, but still only one Watsonian Weekly!

What does May mean for a Watsonian?

For John H. Watson, May of 1891 may have been a time of sad bereavement, but for the John H. Watson Society it is time to Zoom again! Saturday, May22 at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. is the next appointed meeting time, and we’ll get together to discuss John Watson’s life in May of 1891 from the 5th through the end of the month. Where did he go? Who did he talk to? What were his next steps, if he could even rise to make them?

If you need the Zoom invitation, please send a request to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com and we’ll get you the link.

And if you just want some good Watson to warm up for the meeting, this week’s episode of The Watsonian Weekly, our club’s official podcast, is on the e-air once again. Check it out at https://watsonianweekly.libsyn.com/may-17-2021-norfolk-mice-in-emerald-watson or wherever fine podcasts are downloaded.

A gathering of the JHWS next Saturday, April 24!

The John H. Watson Society will Zoom again on Saturday, April 24 at 10 AM PDT, 11 AM MDT, 12 Noon CDT, 1 PM EDT, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST, etc. (At least we think that’s how the time zones will work!)

This time out we’re breaking our toasting free of those same three monthlies, so bring toasts on anything Watson-related if you got ’em. Also, we’ll be doing a deep dive into that page that Watson says is missing from his letters to Holmes at the start of Chapter Eight of The Hound of the Baskervilles. What was Watson hiding from his reading public? Where did that page go? We’ll be entertaining all theories or any “found text” versions of that page you might have found (or claim to have found), so bring everything you’ve got on this Watsonian mystery we’re going to try to solve!

If you need the Zoom invitation, please send a request to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com and we’ll get you the link.

And if you just want some good Watson to warm up for the meeting, this week’s episode of The Watsonian Weekly, our club’s official podcast, is on the e-air once again. Check it out at https://watsonianweekly.libsyn.com/april-19-2021-gorilla-hardwicke-strychnine or on Apple podcasts or Spotify!

One hundred Watsonian Weeklies!

As if there weren’t enough to occupy your time on a Saturday in spring, including a virtual 221B Con, today at noon Central Standard Time, the Watsonian Weekly will be recording it’s 100th episode! Not the best weekend for it to happen, but one hundred is one hundred, and if you’d like to be present for the live recording and hear all the stuff that gets edited out before it gets edited out, just toss an email to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com for the Zoom link. We only hit one hundred once, so stop by and get a rare look at podcast history in the making!

Don’t panic! The meeting’s in two weeks!

Just in case you missed the earlier notice, the John H. Watson Society’s monthly Zooms are springing forward a couple weeks to the fourth Saturday, which seems like a less-trafficked Zoom day. Invitations aren’t out yet, but be sure to update your calendar to March 27th. Hope to see you then!

Watsonians are winning! And more wins tomorrow!

Hey, everybody! We won! If you want to keep the Watsonian winning streak alive, join us tomorrow — Saturday, January 8th, at 11:00 PM Central Time to watch some Watsonians who know their Watson play the Watson Game! If you haven’t gotten your Zoom invitation yet, send a quick note to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com to get the link (up until an hour before meeting time, after that, you have our apologies).

Watson’s best friend’s birthday time!

With the birthday of John Watson’s best pal Sherlock coming up this week, next Saturday is definitely time for the John H. Watson Society to meet again. Yes, there is a long going on, but Saturday, January 9th will still hold an hour when you can see some Watsonian faces at 9 AM PDT, 10 AM MDT, 11AM CDT, 12 Noon EDT, 5 PM BST, 6 PM CEST, etc.

What will we be doing? Well, the traditional toasts, of course, to Murray, Mary, and Medicine. And after that, it will be time for something new — The Watson Game! You can be part, be in the audience, or maybe even take on the role of Sherlock Holmes. Start thinking like John Watson and you’ll be in perfect shape for it, which is all you’re going to find out for now.

As always, if you need the Zoom link, write to podcast@johnhwatsonsociety.com for the connection any time up until the hour before the meeting. After that time, you may have to ask a fellow Watsonian, as it might be a gamble as to whether or not the meeting host is still checking that e-mail box.