Welcome to Harrison D. Hunt, JHWS “Dash” to Charter Membership


The Society is delighted to welcome Mr. Harrison D. Hunt, M.A., to Charter Membership in The John H Watson Society.

Mr. Hunt writes:

“I have an M.A. in History Museum Studies from the Cooperstown (NY) Graduate Program.  After a long career in history museums and historic preservation, I retired a few years ago from the Nassau County (NY) Department of Parks, where I was Senior Curator of History and Supervisor of Historic Sites.  One of the sites I was responsible for was The Knothole, Christopher Morley’s writer’s retreat.

I have a particular interest in the American Civil War and have authored two books about the struggle, Hallowed Ground and Heroes of the Civil War.

Following up on a longstanding interest in Sherlock Holmes, I became an active Sherlockian after the Baker Street Irregulars’ 75th anniversary excursion to The Knothole in 2009.  Since then, I have been an active member of several scions in the Northeast, including the Sons of the Copper Beeches and The Three Garridebs, and have had articles published in The Baker Street Journal and Prescott’s Press.

Most recently, my wife Linda and I founded a scion celebrating Christopher Morley, The Grillparzer Club of the Hoboken Free State.

I have a particular interest in John H. Watson, in part because I do Civil War reenacting as a Union Army Surgeon.  I have written several papers about him, which is not surprising for someone who has DRWATSON plates on his car.

I  am delighted that this Society has been established to honor his

Please join in welcoming Mr. Hunt to the Society with our traditional greeting:

“You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.”