Moriarty’s Agents Infiltrate The JHWS!

Have you ever played a game sometimes called “Mafia,” sometimes called “Werewolf,” or watched some version of the reality TV show “Traitors?” If you have, you know the basic concept, that a community has been secretly infiltrated by murderous characters, and must come together to remove the threat all the while their citizens are being slowly picked off, either by the baddies or their own misguided attempts at justice.

As a part of our 2025 meetings, March through October, the John H. Watson Society will be playing its own version of this game, where we’ll interrogate our members for Moriarty employ during meetings, while in between said meetings, Moriarty’s agents will be working to take over the society for their own evil purposes. Our usual diverse meeting activities will also be going on, some tying to this campaign, and some just random fun. But a few minutes of each meeting will be dedicated to dealing with the Agents of Moriarty among us. Who are those agents? How murderous are they?

Come to our March meeting to find out — and if you have to miss March, don’t worry. We’ll be bringing more folks in as the meetings progress. Here’s the link for said March meeting and our launch of the game:

The February JHWS Meeting: Instant Symposium!

As you may have heard and seen demonstrated at our last meeting, the February Zoom gathering of bull pups and friends will be a series of presentations by Watsonians who don’t know what they’re talking about! (Well, not yet anyway.) In the manner of presentation called “Powerpoint karaoke” or “battledecks,” our presenters will be giving talks about John H. Watson based on a series of slides they have never seen before, on a topic that they only find out about when the talk starts. Are you up for the challenge? Would you rather just watch someone else attempt to leap that abyss? Come to the meeting!

Sunday, February 23rd, at noon Central type, over the usual communication channel, with the registration link provided below. Speaker names will be drawn out of a deerstalker from those who volunteer at the start, and the best of the talks will make it on to the Watsonian Weekly podcast for that week. And, of course, there will be the normal John H. Watson Society stuff and nonsense. Hope to see you there!

That all-important link:

January JHWS Meetings and More!!!

On January 26, 2025, the John H. Watson Society will have a rare double event! First, of course, will be our regular January meeting, which will be a free-flowing discussion of all the January Holmes birthday events at noon central time. Here’s the registration link for that:

And then, once darkness falls upon the land and the glow of televisions light the night, a second meeting to watchalong the premiere episode of CBS’s Watson will occur. We’ll wait for the AFC Championship game to be over, mute the mikes for a typed-chat-only convo while the show is on, and then open up the microphones again to record some immediate reviewing for that night’s Watsonian Weekly podcast! (You’ll have to watch on your own TV, of course. The meeting will just be here for our chat.) Here’s the link for that meeting:

And while we’re talking about the Watsonian Weekly, the offical podcast of the John H. Watson Society, here’s a link to the latest episode:

New Year, New Us!

Dear Watsonians,

New year, new us! Well, kind of.

Here’s the deal: last year, we started the year by declaring membership free to new and existing members for the year of 2024. Now, we are making that change permanent.

Every bullpup’s account should now be set up without an expiration date. (There are a handful that may need fixing, so please reach out to Bullpup Selena at if you have any trouble logging in to your account.)

If you are new here and want to join as a member, please go to and fill out the form. I (Bullpup Maddie) will get back to you with a welcome email and a bullpup moniker (which we can always change if you don’t like the one you start with).

The Watsonian will remain available for purchase on Amazon. And remember, the submission deadline for The Watsonian is coming right up on February 1st! Please email Bullpup Evidently Harmless with your submissions at

Also coming up is our regular meeting this month on the 26th. Stay tuned for the registration link!

Please let me know if you have any questions; my email is

Otherwise, stay safe and healthy, and we hope to see you soon!
Bullpup Maddie Buttons (aka Madeline Quiñones) 

John H. Watson Fanfic Theater

This might be your week to listen to the Watsonian Weekly, the official podcast of the John H. Watson Society, if you’ve been passing it by due to all the “Sherlock & Co.” content, as a full contingent of bull pups are drafted into some poorly produced, unrehearsed reader’s theater for “The Adventure of the Second Die Hard,” which somehow combines the movie “Die Hard” and the story “The Adventure of the Second Stain” into one Watson mash-up that our members somehow thought they wanted for their Christmas pageant.

So here’s a link, if you’re not a regular listener . . .

JHWS December Meeting: “The Adventure of the Second Die Hard”

Because YOU asked for it! (Well, somebody did . . .)

The December meeting of the John H. Watson Society will be our Christmas pageant, a thrown-together reader’s theater production of “The Adventure of the Second Die Hard,” a Canonical Christmas tale that’s NOT “Blue Carbuncle.” We’ll be gathering up our volunteer readers from the registration list, so be sure to sign up for our Sunday, December 22nd meeting in advance if you want to take part. It’s going to be a busy weekend, so we know many of you will have to miss, but we’ll be sure to record it for the podcast.

So, Sunday, December 22nd at noon Central Standard Time. Here’s the link!

The November JHWS Zoom Gathering

The eleventh month is rolling by quickly and it’s already almost time for Watsonians to gather again on Sunday, November 24th at noon Central Standard Time. What will we be up to this month?

For starters, we’ll have a little Watsonian “get to know you” with three questions for the cool Watson fan. What are the three questions that we’ll be asking anyone who is on-camera and willing to share? Funny you should ask . . .

Question One: Members of the John H. Watson Society have bull pup names. The BSI has investitures. We don’t get to pick either of those and they aren’t always cool. If you were going to pick a cool nickname for yourself out of all the words and phrases in John Watson’s writings, what would YOU pick?

Question Two: You’re going to add one piece of clothing or accessory to your daily appearance to show people you’re a cool Watson-like kinda person. What is that item going to be?

Question Three: People who can pull off cosplay are really cool. If you had the skills (or the money to hire someone with the skills) to cosplay as any Doctor Watson in the history of Doctor Watsons, which Doctor Watson would it be?

And once we’ve gone around with those questions and seen just how cool you Watsonians are, we’re going to start the open casting for next month’s John H. Watson Society Christmas Pageant, a Zoom theatrical production unlike anything you’ve ever seen, because IT’S NOT GOING TO BE BLUE CARBUNCLE. (Somebody in the Canon besides Henry Baker and Peterson should get to celebrate Christmas, right?)

So if all that hasn’t frightened you off, here’s the registration link:

The Fall Issue of The Watsonian!

And a note from the Boy in Buttons.

Friends, the 2024 Fall Issue of The Watsonian is here! Pick up your copy from Amazon at a reasonable $5.50 USD at this link.

And remember, you don’t have to be a member of the JHWS to purchase a copy! Please enjoy The Watsonian whether you’re a bullpup or not! But also recall: membership is now free.

Speaking of membership, if you’ve recently gone through the registration process, you may not have received a welcome email yet. That’s on me, the Boy in Buttons/Boswell, and I am truly sorry to have kept our new bullpups waiting! I will be honest: there has been a lot going on in my everyday life that has kept me from having much time and energy for anything other than survival. Sometimes, life kicks you when you’re down and keeps on kicking.

I just wanted everyone to know — you’re not being neglected, I promise. And I’m hoping to get to all the newbies over the next few days.

Of course, the lovely thing about the Watsonian/Sherlockian community is that it is supportive and it helps you keep going through the rough times. So my thanks to everyone who is helping me keep going through this difficult time.

Lots of love to you all!

Rescheduling the September meeting

Hello, friends!

We are not able to hold this month’s meeting today. To the people who registered for today’s meeting and intended to come, we sincerely apologize! Work and other real-life issues conspired to make both of your regular Zoom hosts forget that this Sunday was our meeting Sunday, and not the next one. (Mayhap a certain Professor was simply jealous that one of the hosts devotes so much time to Dr. Watson…)

We will still meet this month, however! Our meeting has been rescheduled to next Sunday, same time. If you have already registered, you should have gotten an email alerting you of the change, and you do not have to re-register. If you haven’t registered, now’s your chance!

Again, we’re really sorry. (But we also hope that our volunteers will take advantage of the extra time to build up their teams!) Also, happy first day of autumn! (Or spring, to those of you south of the equator!)

The JHWS September Meeting: Hounds All Around!

If you were at our last meeting, you know what we’re up to this month. A panel of specially selected Holmes movie buffs are going to fantasy draft their perfect film adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Who will be the stars? How will they make it special? And you get to pick the one you’d want to see!

To pre-register for this Zoom meeting on September 29th (EDIT: no longer the 22nd, sorry!) at noon Central time, just click the link below:

Final Results of the Annual Treasure Hunt!

The 12th Annual John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt has officially ended. Familiar names were among the leaders in four categories; US and International individual entries and US and International groups.

One team had a perfect score of 192 submitted by the Sound of the Baskervilles, whose members were Margie Deck, Naching Kassa, Cameron Brandon, and Steve Mason.

The international Team LaFayette from France, comprised of Anne du Ranquet, Aline Hinh, Sylvia Israel, Daniel Henocq, Thomas Leandre-Helbecque, and Thierry Saint-Joanis, BSI, scored 190 and missed one question which, arguably, may have been confused in translation.

International individual honors went to Mark Doyle (190), who finished ahead of Enrico Solito, BSI (184) and Allessandro Melillo (160).

The top scorer for US teams was Joanna Freeman (188), who edged out Erica Fair (180), Regina Stinson, BSI (179), and reigning Hunt champion Michael Ellis (177), who answered all of the questions correctly but was unable to solve “the easiest cipher in Hunt history.”* Kristen Mertz and Tom Campbell also gave their best efforts.

The correct translation of the cipher was “Come Watson. Come. The game is afoot.” Quizmaster Rich Krisciunas said, “The thing that always amazes me is how many times someone comes up with an answer I didn’t foresee that fits. I go back and read the story and have to admit that the person deserves credit for their answer and my list of correct answers grows.” 

The Hunt’s questions and answers will appear on our webpage by the end of the week.

*The Boy-in-Buttons continues to have her doubts.

The John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt final week! (And Final Team!)

It’s the last week for doing the annual August treasure hunt of Canonical details from Watson’s writings, and Watsonians around the world are scrambling to get their entries polished up and turned in by the time September 2nd is done. (Scroll down to find the full Treasure Hunt details!)

Meanwhile, here’s the latest episode of the John H. Watson Society’s official podcast, which sadly, contains no audio from Sunday’s meeting:

The Watson Challenge Is Coming!

We know you’re all busy testing your wits on the annual John H. Watson Society Treausre Hunt (scroll down if you haven’t started yet), but we wanted to let you prep for our August meeting and the John H. Watson Storytelling Challenge on Zoom this August 25th. How does it work?

Our willing participants will be given the title of one of Watson’s sixty stories at random and be asked to tell the tale in 30 seconds (and only 30 seconds). Each story will have a list of ten items worth a point a piece, and our storyteller, in actually retelling the story, will get a point for every one of those items they mention. It could be a person, a place, an activity, a color — you just don’t know! — that our judge feels is key to that story (or worth bonus points!). Are you up to telling a story with the level of detail only Watson could? Come to our August meeting and find out!

The registration link is still:

Our August Meeting Is Coming!

Mark your calendars now for 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central, etc. on Sunday, August 25th, as the John H. Watson Society and friends gather on Zoom to have a little fun and ease your mind into the last week of the John H. Watson Society Treasure Hunt. What are we going to be up to? A completely different test of your ability to Watson that should be most entertaining to those you aren’t under the bright exam room lights.

The registration link is:

In the meantime, give that Treasure Hunt a go and we’ll also check in on your state of mind as we round that last turn.

The 2024 John H. Watson Treasure Hunt

Hello, Watsonians! It’s time for our annual Treasure Hunt! Actually, it’s a little past time, so let’s dig into the adjusted rules (which are also at the back of the Hunt itself, but this is for safety, sooo…):

The Annual John H Watson Canonical Treasure Hunt is being posted on the Society’s website on the Treasure Hunt page at exactly midnight (Pacific) on July 31st on August 2nd this year. A link is posted at that time to allow participants to download the Treasure Hunt as a .docx or .pdf document. All participants will have an equal opportunity relative to time and access. The Treasure Hunt will end at 12 a.m. (Pacific) on September 3rd. All categories of competition will be required to meet the same deadline.

  1. The Treasure Hunt will have four categories: Open Individual (U.S.), Open Individual (international), Open Team (U.S.), and Open Team (international). Two individuals and two teams will be accorded High Honors with runners-up given Honors. As the competition is Open, participants do not have to be members of the John H Watson Society to compete. No registration is necessary. To be considered for Honors, simply submit answers as per below.
  2. Participants may enter as individuals or as teams of two to five. Participants may not compete as both an individual contestant and a team member, and individual participants and team participants may not confer on their answers.
  3. All requests for clarification of questions shall be either posted to this post or sent via email to the Treasure Hunt Master by email at
  4. The winners will be determined by two criteria: (1) Number of correct answers, and (2) Time of receipt of the answers by email at Answers may be submitted in a numbered list in the body of the email or in a document attached to the email. Attachment formats should be either .pdf, .doc or .docx; handwritten documents are acceptable when scanned as a .pdf. If submitting a handwritten document, please print clearly. Each submission must include the name(s) of the participant(s), contact email for each participant, and one contact telephone number.
  5. The announcement of the Honors will be posted no later than September 14. A fully documented answer guide to the Treasure Hunt will be posted at the time the winners are announced.
  6. All matters concerning the Treasure Hunt, the contest, the answers, and the determination of the Honors will be the sole decision of the John H Watson Society Directors. The only purpose of the Annual John H. Watson Society Canonical Treasure Hunt is to encourage fun, collegiality, scholarship, and a deeper understanding of the writings of John H Watson, MD.

Here’s the .docx (Microsoft Word) version, and here’s the .pdf! Ready, set, GO! And good luck!

Our July Meeting!

At noon central time on Sunday, July 21st, the John H. Watson Society will Zoom again, with a bit of Watson fun for the middle of your Sunday. Into team sports? It might be something like that . . . you just never know! Here’s the registration link:

And after that, take a listen to the latest Watsonian Weekly. Sure, we just talk about another podcast (“Sherlock & Co.”) most of the time these days, but if John H. Watson has his own weekly podcast, what else do you expect the John H. Watson Society’s official podcast to do? Here’s that link: